A "The Boxcar Children" meets "The Great Brain" novel.
Jake and Jimmy Landon find themselves orphaned and don’t want to be separated in the foster care system. Jimmy, a 15-year-old genius decides to take matters into his own hands and keep what’s left of their family together.
The story is told through the eyes of ten-year-old Jake. They’re careful to keep their secret, but how long can they pretend to have a non-existent mother? Or worse, will “Uncle” Jed find out where they live?
These two adventurers find their way through various trials. Where will they live? How will they eat and pay for things?
Coming soon are other Vine & Anchor Books by Author:
R. J. Miller

"Nowhere to Go is an easy, down to earth book to read, with a touch of humor and great ideas on inventing things with just household items. When two brothers are faced with a catastrophic event in their lives, they have nowhere to turn but to God for direction and wisdom." Sharon Seilhymer
"An inspiring and amazing book about how God works in our lives and how he is always watching over us. Such a great read for any type of reader." Bruno
"This book was a good story leaving you wanting to know what happens next. The author is very resourceful in survival. I will definitely read the following books about the continuing story of the two boys," Amazon Kindle reader.
"This story is so exciting. It's so cool how Christ provides for their needs. What an adventure! I had to wipe away a few tears too." Gordon Miller